Die sog. materielle Wahrheit im Strafprozess, und was es in «Wahrheit» damit auf sich hat (The so-called substantive truth in criminal procedure, and what this truly means), in: legalis brief, «Fachdienst Strafrecht», lead article 01/2023.
Verteidigung von Unternehmen bei Compliance-Verstössen. Was man aus bisher bekannten Fällen lernen kann (Criminal Defense of Enterprises for Compliance Violations. Lessons Leanred from Known Cases), in: Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung (SJZ)/Swiss Lawyers’ Journal 10/2023, 551 et seq.
Chapter on "Defense of Compliance Violations" in: Pikó/Uhl/Licci (Ed.), Schweizer Corporate Compliance Handbuch, Basel 2022.
Chapter on "Monitoring" in: Pikó/Uhl/Licci (Ed.), Schweizer Corporate Compliance Handbuch, Basel 2022.
"Rechtsanwalt über Bundesrichterwahlen: Das ist reiner Postenschacher," interview for CH Media newspapers on November 6, 2021 (interviewed by Kari Kälin).
Die Justizinitiative in den Augen von Bundesbern. Ein schneller Sehtest. A quick eye test, in: "Justice - Justiz - Giustizia" 2021/1.
"Der Kreis der Richterkandidaten ist zu klein," Streitgespräch mit alt-Bundesrichter Niccolò Raselli in: plädoyer 6/2018, 6 ff. (interview conducted by Gjon Davin/René Schumacher).
Defective corporate culture as a root cause of fraud: a compliance monitor’s view, in: Fraud Intelligence, April/May 2017, 14 et seqq.
Commentary on Art. 147 of the Swiss Act on Financial Market Infrastructures, in: Sethe et al. (Editors), Commentary on the Swiss Act on Financial Market Infrastructures, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2017.
Legal Protection During Automatic Exchange of Information ("Rechtsschutz beim automatischen Informationsaustausch"), in: Emmenegger (Editor), Swiss Conference on Banking Law 2016: Automatic Exchange of Information ("Schweizerische Bankrechtstagung 2016: Automatischer Informationsaustausch"), Basel 2016, 147 et seqq.
Compliance Monitorship - A Curse or a Blessing for the Concerned Enterprise? ("Compliance Monitoring – Fluch oder Segen für das betroffene Unternehmen?"), in: Compliance Praxis 4/2015 (co-author with Murat Üranüz)
Book Chapter on Switzerland, in: Ruhmannseder/Lehner/Beukelmann (Ed.), Compliance Aktuell, Heidelberg etc. (C.F. Müller) 2015, Section S1010 (co-author with Herbert Wohlmann)
Compliance: Preventive measures against corruption in the private sector (according to the UN Convention against Corruption), Swiss Journal on International and European Law (Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht) 3/2009; pgs. 381 et seqq.
My Client is a Fraudster – What Now? Criminal Defence in Fraud Matters, Europa Institut Zürich, vol. 146, Zurich 2014, pgs. 181 et seqq.
Chapter titled "Data Protection in Compliance and Legal Proceedings" in: Passadelis/Rosenthal/Thür (Ed.), Data Protection Law (“Datenschutzrecht”), Basel 2014, pgs. 613 et seqq.
Chapter on Switzerland in Spehl/Grützner (editors), Corporate Internal Investigations, Munich (Beck) 2013, pgs. 347 et seqq.
Criminal Directors’ and Officers’ Culpability for Product Safety – a Safety Risk for Management and Legal Departments? Europa Institut Zurich, vol. 139, Zurich 2013, pgs. 153 et seqq.
Chapter on Switzerland in Inderst/Bannenberg/Poppe (editors), Compliance. Setup - Management – Risk Ambits, 2nd edition, Heidelberg etc. (C.F. Müller) 2013, pgs. 78 et seqq. (co-authorship with Dr. Herbert Wohlmann)
New Predicate Offences for Money Laundering – a Legislative Misdeed?, Europa Institut Zurich, vol. 133, Zurich 2012, pgs. 65 et seqq.
Chapter on Switzerland in: Gruetzner/Hommel/Moosmayer, Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment, A Systematic Overview of 151 countries, Munich (Beck) 2011, 369 et seqq.;
You want to sue – your opponent has the evidence, in: AJP ("Journal on General Legal Practice") 2011, June edition, pgs. 739 et seqq.
Christmas Time is Time for Gifts, in: Newsletter of Transparency International Switzerland, December 2012, pgs. 2 et seqq. (co-authorship with Prof. Sita Mazumder)
Commentary on art. 47-51 and 83, in: Baker & McKenzie (editors), Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung ("Swiss Rules on Civil Procedure"), Bern 2010
Legal consequences of deficient compliance management, in: International Commercial Law III: Compliance management as legal core function within the enterprise, in: Europa Institut Zurich, vol. 94, Zurich 2009, pgs. 123 et seqq.
Corruption is unethical and damaging, in: Handelszeitung No. 51, 16-22 December 2009, pg. 19.
Compliance: Präventive Massnahmen zur Korruptionsbekämpfung im privaten Sektor (gemäss Übereinkommen der UNO gegen Korruption, SZIER (Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht) 3/2009, 381 ff.
Exposure of criminal liability for globally acting Swiss enterprises and their management: criminal liability of the enterprise, principal’s liability, money laundering, Europa Institut Zurich, vol. 84, Zurich 2008; pgs. 57 et seqq.
Commentary on art. 52 as well as 54 – 57 of the Swiss Cartel Law, in: Baker & McKenzie (ed.), Commentary of the Swiss Cartel Law, Bern 2007
Switzerland’s Approach to Confiscation and Corruption-related Money Laundering, in: OSCE/OECD/UNODC/Council of Europe (Ed.), Criminalisation of Corruption, Proceedings of Seminar, Paris (OECD) 2007, pgs. 46 et seqq. (see also 56/29/38873929.pdf, pgs. 43 set seqq.)
Liability of Legal Persons for Corruption A Swiss Perspective, in: OSCE/OECD/UNODC/Council of Europe (Ed.), Criminalisation of Corruption, Proceedings of Seminar, Paris (OECD) 2007, pgs. 9 et seqq. (see also 56/29/38873929.pdf, pgs. 7 set seqq.)
Criminal culpability of legal entities under Swiss law, in: European Lawyers’ Association "DACH", conference publications vol. 29, Zurich 2007, pgs. 1 et seqq.
Review of: Normann Witzleb, Geldansprüche bei Persönlichkeitsverletzungen durch Medien ("Money claims for infringement of personality rights by mass media"), in: UFITA 1/2004 pgs. 304 et seqq.
Judicial elections violate the constitution, confrontational interview, in: Plädoyer 5/2004 pgs. 10 et seqq.
Pierced attorney-client privilege, co-author with Beat Mathys, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 21, 2004 pg. 27
Judicial election in the back room, in: Tages Anzeiger, February 26, 2003, pg. 22
Judicial election in the canton of Zurich: its facticity at the appellate court and the district courts as a problem of constitutional law, Dissertation, Zurich 2002.