Strafbarkeit bei Datenschutzverletzungen, (Criminal Punishment of Data Privacy Violations)
Schulthess Forum Data Privacy 2023, Zurich
Verteidigung von Unternehmen bei Compliance-Verstössen, (Criminal Defense of Enterprises for Compliance Violations)
Schulthess Forum White Collar Crime 2022, Zurich
Der Anwalt als Monitor. Gedanken eines ehemaligen Monitors, (Attorneys Acting as Monitors. Some Thoughts from a Former Monitor)
Zurich Bar Association, Compliance Practice Group
Fallstricke im Kontext eines GwG-Meldeverfahrens (Pitfalls in the Context of Proceedings for Reporting-Duty Violations under the Swiss Money Laundering Act)
FinTech 7.0, EuropaInstitut Zurich
Compliance und Korruption in Unternehmen
guest lecture at the University of Basel
Appearance at the webinar by “Weblaw” titled «Panel discussion of the Justice Initiative, in particular on the aspect of random selection»
Appearance on the television program “Arena” on the topic of the “Justice Initiative”
Swiss television SRF 1
Vertretung von Unternehmen im Verfahren
5th Corporate Criminal Law Days, University of Zurich
Von der internen Untersuchung zur externen Heimsuchung – was nützen mir interne Untersuchungen extern?
2nd Financial Law Conference, Zurich
Defective Corporate Culture and Integrity Flaws as Root Causes of Fraud: A Compliance Monitor’s View
ACFE - Fraud Conference Europe
Compliance Monitor?
"Recht aktuell FORUM" (Basel University): Corporate Criminal Liability: Compliance – When and What For?
Anti Corruption Compliance: How Do You Get it Right? A Compliance Monitor’s View
St. Gall Conference on Criminal Law (St. Gall University)
Risk-based approach (RBA) to administrative inquiries in commercial enterprises engaged in public contracts and public procurement activities – How to identify corruption risk in commercial enterprises engaged in public contracts
Council of Europe, seminar under the "South Programme"
Investigations and criminal procedures from the perspective of legal persons: case study
Council of Europe Regional Workshop "Legislative Toolkit on Liability of Legal Persons"
Legal Protection During Automatic Exchange of Information
Swiss Conference on Banking Law 2016
Corporate Compliance Monitorship at the Behest of DOJ – Explained by a Monitor
"Lectures at Lunch Series", Europa Institut Zurich (Co-Presentation with Murat Üranüz)
Compliance Management Systems: What Does a Compliance Monitor Expect?«
14th Frankfurt Symposium on Compliance & Corporate Criminal Law (Co-Presentation with Murat Üranüz)
Compliance Abroad – Difficult Challenges by Local „Customs“
Seminar hosted by Baker & McKenzie Zurich
Banks in the Focus of Authorities
full day seminar given for the Institut on Financial Services (IFZ), Zug
Qualified Tax Fraud as Predicate Offence to Money Laundering in Dealing with Corporate Clients
speech held for Credit Suisse, General Counsel Switzerland: Corporate Compliance Train the Trainer Programme
New Predicate Offences to Money Laundering
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Compliance Officers (SACO), Zurich
My Client is a Fraudster – What Now? Criminal Defence in Fraud Matters
seminar hosted by the Europa Institut Zurich, Zurich University
Criminal Directors’ and Officers’ Culpability for Product Safety – a Safety Risk for Management and Legal Departments?
seminar hosted by the Europa Institut Zurich, Zurich University
Compliance – how to act correctly in order to avoid criminal and civil liability for wrongdoing by employees
speech at client seminar hosted by Baker & McKenzie Zurich
New Predicate Offences for Money Laundering – a Legislative Misdeed?
speech at the Europa Institut Zurich, Zurich University
Third Party Due Diligence
speech for SwissHoldings Working Group on Compliance, Bern, Switzerland
“My supplier is corrupt – why should it matter to me”?
speech at business briefing hosted by Baker & McKenzie Zurich
Compliance Management for companies carrying on business in China: main issues
speech and practitioners’ workshop at seminar hosted by Transparency International Switzerland
Anti-Corruption Compliance
Speech for "Joint Chambers of Commerce", Zurich
Compliance-Workshop by Law in Context, Zürich
Current legal issues relating to corruption and compliance
workshop for practitioners hosted by Vereon AG
“Anti-Corruption Compliance”
speech for Swiss-Israeli Chamber of Commerce Zürich
Fraud and anti-corruption in entrepreneurial practice
guest lecture at the Executive MBA program at St. Gall University, Switzerland
„Criminal culpability: current trends”
speech at Corporate Law Forum hosted by St. Gall University
Impunity of Corrupt Corporate Practices as a Consequence of Permissive Culture and Failing Concepts. A Business Lawyer‘s Perspective.
Conference hosted by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe at the German Bundestag in Berlin
Compliance: preventive measures against corruption in the private sector (under the UN Convention Against Corruption)
annual meeting of "SVIR" (Swiss Association for International Law) at the Zurich University, Switzerland
The Swiss Perspective on Anti-Corruption Compliance
Client seminar hosted by Baker & McKenzie in Kyiv, Ukraine
Criminal culpability of legal persons under Swiss law
36th conference of the European Lawyers’ Association "DACH"
Switzerland’s Approach to Confiscation and Corruption-related Money Laundering
expert seminar for Eastern Europe and Central Asia on the criminalisation of corruption, hosted by the OSCE, OECD, UNODC and the Council of Europe in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Liability of Legal Persons for Corruption A Swiss Perspective
expert seminar for Eastern Europe and Central Asia on the criminalisation of corruption, hosted by the OSCE, OECD, UNODC and the Council of Europe in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exposure of criminal liability for globally-acting Swiss enterprises and their management: criminal liability of the enterprise, principal’s liability, money laundering
seminar hosted by the Europa Institut Zurich, Zurich University